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Canyon Springs Church

Feb 26, 2017

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Feb 19, 2017

Jesus gave us a mission. He wants us to reach the next one. One "HERE" in our church, one THERE in our community, one EVERYWHERE

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Feb 12, 2017

Jesus gave us a mission. He wants us to reach the next one. One here in our church, one there in our community, one everywhere around our world. This has been our vision since we began the church. In this message, pastor Jack illustrates how these three simple ideas can transform your life's purpose.

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Feb 5, 2017

On this Super Bowl Sunday, Pastor Paul gives Pastor Jacks message after he called an audible because he got the flu and couldn't speak. In this sermon, we learn three ways that will help us run and win the race that the author of Hebrews is referring to.

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