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Canyon Springs Church

Feb 26, 2018

The Bible is filled with stories of great heroes. Some are stories of men and women of strong character who win amazing battles and conquer their enemies. Others are cautionary tales of world-class blunders and character lost. The heroes of the Bible all have one thing in common. Understanding these characters...

Feb 19, 2018

The Bible is filled with stories of great heroes. Some are stories of men and women of strong character who win amazing battles and conquer their enemies. Others are cautionary tales of world-class blunders and character lost. The heroes of the Bible all have one thing in common. Understanding these characters...

Feb 12, 2018

The bible is filled with stories of great heroes. Some are stories of men and women of strong character who win amazing battles and conquer their enemies. Others are cautionary tales of world class blunders and character lost. The heroes of the bible all have one thing in common. Understanding these characters...

Feb 5, 2018

Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can’t keep them. What we ought to do is make small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. When we guard our words, make our thoughts obedient to Christ, and cultivate new actions, we can see long-term life change.

If you...