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Canyon Springs Church

Mar 27, 2016

If you look closely at our lives, one of the things you will notice is all the little "kingdoms" that are being built. Business build there Kingdoms, parents build there kingdoms at home, and on and on it goes. In this message Pastor Jack shows us the value and implications of what Jesus said, Thy Kingdom come," and how...

Mar 23, 2016

For years I’ve researched people’s last words.  We have this idea that a person’s last words are full of meaning and wisdom, but the truth is that’s only rarely true.  Some famous last words are meaningful.  But most are not.  Most are simply last thoughts without very much meaning.  Frank Sinatra died after...

Mar 20, 2016

Who do you say I am is Part 6 in our series Walking in His footsteps. This is the message from Pastor Paul on Palm Sunday 2016.

If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs Church in San Diego, visit

Mar 16, 2016

For the last month at church we’ve been in this series walking in his footsteps and today I want us to take a look at some of the last steps of Jesus.  Today as we walk in Jesus footsteps leading up to the cross I want to read to you some of Jesus last words to his disciples.  These words include challenge, purpose,...

Finding Rest, Jack Hawkins 3/13/16

Mar 13, 2016

If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs Church in San Diego, visit