Sep 25, 2016
Value Statements. Most companies have them but our values are different. They aren’t written to raise the value of our business. Our value statements have one goal. To raise your value. To raise the value of the people at Canyon Springs. And not just your value. Our values were written to challenge our people to raise...
Sep 18, 2016
Value Statements. Most companies have them but our values are different. They aren’t written to raise the value of our business. Our value statements have one goal. To raise your value. To raise the value of the people at Canyon Springs. And not just your value. Our values were written to challenge our people to raise...
Sep 14, 2016
Marriage is failure. That doesn't mean your marriage is going to fail. But the opportunity to fail is very real. On this weeks podcast we will discuss some marriage fails and how each of them pointed to a better marriage. Give it a listen then forward it to a friend.
If you would like to know more information about...
Sep 11, 2016
In this message Pastor Paul addresses the topic of what to do when we feel both God and people have failed us. Why is God occasionally silent and how do we respond when it happens. In the same way what is our reaction when friends fail us and let us down.
If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs...
Sep 7, 2016
Parenting is failure. I'm not saying you'll fail as a parent. Hopefully you'll succeed in raising great kids. But there will be failure along the way. Today on Life Simply Better we talk to some typical parents about their failures, what they would do differently and what to do to teach kids to fail and get back up.