Jun 26, 2016
In part 2 of our Series Love Does, Pastor Paul discuses what Nehemiah had to do, and the grave risks involved in order to move forward. As Christians pastor Paul challenges all of us to risk greatly, to have courage and not medicate the calling God has in your life. Don't lean back from a challenge but lean into...
Jun 19, 2016
If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs Church in San Diego, visit http://www.canyonsprings.org
Jun 12, 2016
The Secret to Finding Joy, Peace, Contentment & Strength by Paul Murray, 6/12/16.
If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs Church in San Diego, visit http://www.canyonsprings.org
Jun 5, 2016
Hear how God has worked in the lives of students and student leaders as Youth Pastor Chad leads us through Promotion Sunday.
If you would like to know more information about Canyon Springs Church in San Diego, visit http://www.canyonsprings.org