Mar 2, 2020
Trials will surely come for us but take heart. There is victory to be shared! Join us as we dive into the book of 1st Peter; a letter full of promise for everyone who has an ear to hear.
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Mar 23, 2016
For years I’ve researched people’s last words. We have this idea that a person’s last words are full of meaning and wisdom, but the truth is that’s only rarely true. Some famous last words are meaningful. But most are not. Most are simply last thoughts without very much meaning. Frank Sinatra died after...
Mar 16, 2016
For the last month at church we’ve been in this series walking in his footsteps and today I want us to take a look at some of the last steps of Jesus. Today as we walk in Jesus footsteps leading up to the cross I want to read to you some of Jesus last words to his disciples. These words include challenge, purpose,...
Mar 9, 2016
There is a possibility that wherever you are going today you are headed into a storm. You’re driving into a storm at work. You’re headed back home and home has been stormy recently. Relationships have been rough. You’re driving to pick up your child and your child has been walking through a storm. I’ve heard...
Mar 2, 2016
There is one word that I would use to describe today's culture. Hurried. If you find yourself caught in the fast pace of our culture and want to get off Jesus has some profound words to help you put on the brakes. Take a moment to get a new perspective on hurry in this week's Canyon Springs commute.
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